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Simple Text Editor

This project aims to provide a simple text editor with basic functionalities like creating, opening, editing, and saving text files.

About the Text Editor

This program is a simple text editor implemented in Bash script. It provides basic functionalities like creating new files, opening existing files, editing files, saving files, searching for words, replacing words, counting words, and deleting files.

Here's a brief overview of its functionalities:

  • Create a new file
  • Open an existing file
  • Edit an existing file
  • Save file
  • Save As
  • Search for a word
  • Replace a word
  • Word Count
  • support plugins
  • Delete a file
  • Exit

Vim Version

This program also has a Vim version It have same functionalities as the Bash script version but it opens the Vim text editor.

Here's a brief overview of its functionalities:

  • Create a new file
  • Open an existing file
  • Edit an existing file
  • Save file
  • Save As
  • support plugins
  • Delete a file
  • Exit

This text editor is Free Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS), meaning it is freely available for anyone to use and modify.

To get started, you can download the text editor:

Download Text Editor

also you can contribute to the code

contribute to the code

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